Forest Brothers

Forest Brothers gets closer to publication

Following a meeting with the Kay, the editor of Circaidy Gregory Press, I can say we are hurtling along at a pace in getting the e-book ready for Christmas. I am on my final edit. the one with the fine toothcomb and the realisation:  no matter how many reads you do, you are so close to your own work that things still fall out at these late hours!

I have been in touch with the manager of a city library, who was possibly looking for someone to showcase their work on World Book Day. In the hope that this may come off, we are looking to steer the Forest Brothers paperback for release at this time – March 2013. So, the clock has been brought forward and is ticking away quite happily!

Strangely enough, I still enjoy reading the work and sometimes pause to play a scene in my head. Then I remember I have to pay particular attention to my prose – in particular the ‘Estonian’ dialogue. It’s back to the grindstone then!

Susan Moss (author of ‘Bother in Burmeon’) has given me some excellent tips on Marketing. I know need to knock on the door of the local college and see if someone wants to take on a youtube film ‘trailer’ clip, as a project!

I have also been invited to join the Grassroutes project in Leicester. The spiel is thus:

Grassroutes promotes public knowledge of Leicestershire’s diverse literary cultures. The project surveys high-quality transcultural writing by Leicestershire-based writers from 1980 to the present. It fosters local, national and international appreciation – as well as critical recognition – for this writing. Grassroutes supports the efforts of independent publishers and literature development agencies to inspire public engagement with the diverse writing cultures of multi-racial Britain.

The current blog is linked below:

And yes, I do qualify. In the 1980’s –  I was a Leicester fox! More recently, I have been active in the wonderful Leicester Writers Club for a lot of this century.

The Welsh novel is still being worked on. I have heard nothing about publishing, bar the organisers sending me the judge’s critique. In it, Catrin Collier wrote ‘You certainly have talent and must persevere with your writing’ and also ‘Your work is far too good to fall at the first hurdle’ in her Judge’s summation. It goes on to say the work has been forwarded to a publisher for consideration. I must admit in the awards ceremony, she did say ‘guaranteed e-publication’, which would be nice. I think I should not count my chickens yet, but keep working on the script – just in case.

One of my good friends is going to read through it for me. This is  a very handy second opinion and can change the direction of a novel at times. As proven with the sterling work done by Steve Hughes and Helena Castro in Forest Brothers, so many moons ago.

By Geraint Roberts

Stuck in a limbo and desperate to do something meaningful, what to do? That is where writing began for me. A creative way of expressing myself and a chance to harness my wondering imagination. I close my eyes and I'm there. Wish I'd picked 'there' as a warm sunny day on a sandy beach, with the waves gently lapping on the shore...but I have to let the story load in my mind, then watch it unfold, wherever it may be. Currently I'm on a windy bridge, or a Devon beach, or a Cornish tin mine, or a submarine, or looking towards a Hebridean port...

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